Saturday, April 1, 2023


Bamboo AKA “Cane Break”

Bamboo was in the SE before settlers

Blue-Henon-Bamboo for sale in GA

Helping to raise cane in Georgia

AJC-   By Charles Seabrook. 

May 22, 2015

Thomas Peters of Athens wants to raise some cane — by bringing back canebrakes in Georgia and elsewhere in the South.   As almost any rural Southerner knows, canebrakes are dense stands of river cane, North America’s only native bamboo species.

“I want to do everything I can to restore canebrakes in Georgia,” said Peters, who has a masters degree in landscape architecture from the University of Georgia. He told several of us Georgia Botanical Society members last weekend about the ecological value of canebrakes and his efforts to develop new cane propagation techniques to provide thousands of plants for restoration.

In one project, the South River Watershed Alliance in metro Atlanta is working to establish canebrakes at several locations along the river.

River cane has played a storied role in Southern culture. Many a Southerner, while growing up, made whistles, knives, corncob pipes and, of course, fishing poles from the hollow stems of cane. Sidney Lanier, Georgia’s most famous poet and a renowned flutist, made his first flute from river cane along the Ocmulgee River.

Cherokee Indians and other tribes used river cane extensively — for making baskets, arrows, knives, mats, fish traps, flutes, pipes, furniture and walls for houses.

Enormous canebrakes once covered 12 million acres of the South, usually along rivers and streams. Today, those magnificent stands are all but gone, wiped out by development, agriculture, timber plantations and other factors. River cane exists now mostly in small patches.

Peters said that restoring canebrakes also will help restore the cleanliness of our rivers. Studies show, for instance, that a canebrake is three times more effective at reducing pollution from agricultural runoff than a forested buffer along waterways. With their matted root structures, canebrakes also are highly effective at reducing erosion.

In addition, canebrakes are vital for wildlife. Swainson’s warblers nest almost exclusively in river cane and several butterfly larvae feed only on cane foliage.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Why be miserable when you can have Lemon Cake?

 I love this series so much, I want to tear it apart and dissect every tiny thing.  Donald Glover and creators if this keep referencing The Piano Teacher, and I thought I was the only one to watch that bizarre intense movie… I thought it was older, and it is.  Released in 2001.  It’s uncanny that we may be on similar viewing schedules… 



Monday, May 4, 2020

Quarantine notes...

My spiritual guide Shawanda advises that even when I’m not actively practicing, let yoga or meditation play in the background because studies have shown that the brain alone can conjure some of the benefits by simply thinking about the goodness.  What do you have to lose? 😂 (quarantine humor)

*** I watched yoga this morning and what do you know? I did a lot of stretching this afternoon in the sun.
Stretches.  Move dancey and loosey goosey.  Prop foot on something and let a few toes aloose.  Stretch all different ways that you usually don’t move.  (Shawanda)

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Sodoku Notes


Re: writing letters on paper to loved ones: “Part of caring about someone is giving them time.”

PEARL CLEAGE- writer, mentor
Pearl:  “write about people and their problems, not about problems and their people.”

Went to a wedding with mom 35 yrs ago, finding a seat said ‘let’s go to the back.  Nosey said oooh, yes! Let’s go to the back’.  In the foyer, bride is crying and crying.  Mother said- walk the aisle, don’t file papers tomorrow.  4 friends/ bridesmaids, what if one was the sister of the groom?  Lady whipped around and said, “and don’t you say a Damn word!”


A blackout is your conscience falling into witness protection.  - Robin Williams

The stork took a wrong turn in there. - Five Days, HBO

Slenderman- site: Creepy Pasta
Akin to Pied Piper
Spread like ice bucket challenge and planking

Virus of the mind (?)

Sopchoppy Fl (dish from Gus’s?)
Annual worm charmer festival
Panacea (?) town?

Korean:  anyan sayo (hello),  Korean dance offs

Midsummer Murders.  Amy Ellen?

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Peacocks and Flamingoes

I’d say that I generally enjoy peacocks and flamingoes, but nothing crazy.  However, they are popping up over and over lately.

Here is a puzzle I got for summer at work:

And here’s the one that started the craze that Ms. V brought to work

Obviously these alone are not The Signs, a few have popped up else-where.  You know, once you note an object or idea you see it everywhere, possibly just because you’re looking for it.. but after delving into the Most fascinating energy- vibe- aura- metaphysical book, I am trying to remain open and sensitive to these things.  Doing a terrible job, by the way, but I’m just starting/ thinking about it!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Sri yantra

Tiffany Haddish talked about wearing Erica Badu’s sri-yantra hat.  Then she and the interviewer both laughed that she learned it on youtube.